Wednesday 30 May 2012

Anatomy Practice: Horses - 2

Might as well post like this. Just pretend that the bad iPhone photos are scans, okay? My iPhone doesn't rotate images when you take landscape pictures and I have no idea why, so here's three really bad pictures instead of a nice clean scan. Anyway.

I used one of my million horse books as reference for these. The first one is the first time I've bothered to try and add a rider/tack. The horse's legs and neck look too short and the head looks too small (to me anyway) but yay half-rider.

The second one is the first time I've drawn a horse jumping, but I didn't really have space to add the rider properly so I just did lines. The reference was TINY, probably less than one inch across, so I was more interested in just getting a general outline done.

The third one is the first time I've drawn a full horse without it being completely side-on. There's a bit of actual 3D going on there, but I didn't draw the fence in and ended up not drawing the front legs as high as in the reference. Oh well. I also couldn't get the head right to save my life.

The fourth was just me cheating because I couldn't find a full-body one to draw that I thought would fit the space. I still can't draw in bone structure etc in my sketches and they're still ending up as just outlines, which isn't going to be as helpful when I'm colouring. There's an art to proper lines when drawing and I'm nowhere near it. I enjoyed doing these though. I'm hoping to take a lot of photos of my model horses soon to aid me in drawing from different angles (they're very anatomically correct so it should be fine), but now I don't have a laptop I won't be able to see the photos for a while anyway. Grr.

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